The Trap
I want to share my story with you (once more... but differently).
From my teenage years into my 30s, I was on and off diets.
I tried everything: Keto, Atkins, paleo, cabbage soup, water and maple syrup for a week, and even eating only cucumbers for a week. I'd shed 10 pounds, only to gain it back—and sometimes even more—within a few months or a few years.
How I felt didn’t matter.
Every time I aimed to lose weight, the only thing that mattered was the number on the scale dropping. I was always planning my next diet, thinking that even if this one failed, the next one surely would work.
All my New Year's and birthday resolutions were focused on my weight. Every January 1st, I started fresh, only to give up after a few days.
I was always on the lookout for the latest weight loss trends, believing anything that promised instant results.
If a skinny person endorsed it, I thought it was the way to go.
My pantry was packed with “diet” foods, miracle pills, dehydrated meals, protein shakes, and low-carb snacks.
I categorized foods as “good” or “bad.” Carrots were good, chocolate was bad. So, whenever I ate “bad” foods, I felt guilty, as if that slice of cake was a crime.
The Cycle of the Yo-Yo Dieting Misery
I skipped meals to “compensate” for overeating, thinking starvation was the best way to balance out that extra slice of pizza.
I tried everything: electrodes, liposuction, tummy tucks, and bought all the books and programs.
I'd avoid social events to stick to my diet, saying no to fun because my diet didn’t allow it.
I felt ashamed and embarrassed about my body.
Mirrors and swimsuits were my worst enemies.
I avoided the beach and the seaside in the summer, pretending I preferred the mountains.
I’ve been both very skinny and very overweight, several times... feeling totally out of control and letting my emotions take over.
I felt powerless.
I blamed my genes, my metabolism, my DNA, my ancestors...
I blamed myself for being out of control.
I blamed everyone instead of the real culprit.
It took me years to understand that the diet industry was the real culprit.
They preyed on my insecurities, convincing me that something was wrong with me and that I needed their products and plans to fix it... To be happy... To be healthy... To live in a body that allowed me to live fully.
Recognize the Signs
Does it sound like you?
Let’s see if you identify with these points:
"I look disgusting" "I'm so fat"... I can’t look in the mirror without criticizing myself.
I’ve tried every diet imaginable.
I prioritize losing weight quickly over being healthy.
I always search for the newest weight loss trends.
I feel guilty whenever I eat “bad” foods.
I’ve been on and off diets for as long as I can remember: Diet starts Monday, cheats on Wednesday, and restarts the next Monday.
I rely on miracle pills and quick fixes.
I think my weight issues are due to my genes and slow metabolism.
I skip meals to make up for overeating.
I sometimes avoid social events to stay on my diet.
I am ashamed and embarrassed about my body.
My pantry is stocked with “diet” foods.
I sometimes use exercise as punishment.
I obsessively weigh myself, even after meals.
I believe chocolate cake is "bad" and salad is "good."
What's your score?
1: You might need to rethink your approach.
2-3: You are a confirmed yo-yo dieter. It’s time to break the cycle.
4+: You’re a yo-yo dieting pro. Urgent change is needed!
Understand the Impact
This checklist is here to help you understand that yo-yo dieting might be the main cause of your discomfort with your body and the world around you.
Yo-yo dieting doesn’t just affect your body.
It disconnects you from yourself and impacts your mind, heart, self-esteem, and emotions.
It prevents you from living the life you deserve, planting seeds of shame and embarrassment.
The diet industry undermines your self-esteem, making you feel like you don’t deserve to feel beautiful or worthy of love.
How does your score make you feel?
Even if you only scored one, you’re still a yo-yo dieter.
Recognize the impact it’s having on you, because even a low score means you’re trapped by the diet industry. You’re stuck in its grip.
But it doesn’t have to be this way forever.
You can decide to break free and regain control.
Making the Shift
To escape this cycle, you must shift your focus from wanting to lose weight to wanting to reconnect with your body and live harmoniously.
The diet industry has severed your connection to your inner guide and instincts, making you depend on others to tell you what to eat and drink.
The first step to achieving the healthy body you deserve is to reconnect with yourself and your natural instincts.
Every Choice Matters
Every bite you take is a choice. If you feel guilty or ashamed, stop overthinking.
Stop hating yourself.
Stop thinking you’ll compensate tomorrow.
The past is the past.
You don’t have to wait for tomorrow to make better choices. Right now is always the best time to make the right decision.
If you’re eating chocolate and feel like you’ve had too much, stop now.
Reflect on how it made you feel.
Did it bring comfort, or did it make you feel sick?
Decide that tomorrow, you might still want chocolate, but you’ll eat less so it still feels good.
The goal is to nurture your body with every decision.
Each moment is a chance to make a better choice.
Overeating doesn’t feel good, does it? Starving yourself doesn’t either. So why do either?
When you reconnect with your body, you’ll start wanting to feel good all the time about what you eat.
Listen to Your Body
Listen to your body and what it has to say.
If you can’t hear it, it’s because you don't ask.
Decide to reconnect with your body, listen to its needs, and feel great every day.
You never needed diets, magic pills, protein shakes, or intense exercise routines that made you feel awful.
Those things only created a disconnect between you and your body.
What you truly need is to love yourself enough to always want what’s best for you.
This means making choices that nurture and respect your body.
It’s about accepting yourself and understanding what makes you feel good.
Love and respect yourself enough today to start making changes for tomorrow.
Does This Resonate?
If this resonates with you, join my free No-Diet Weight Loss Superclass for Women over 40.
In this class, you’ll learn how to break free from yo-yo dieting, reconnect with your body, live the life you deserve, and create the body you love.
🆓 Register NOW.
Taking the first step means acknowledging your potential and committing to yourself.
Take it now.
My score used to be 15! Dropped down to zero! It feels like the heaviest weight of all was lifted off me. And it wasn't the fat!